Saturday, May 14, 2011

Great Grandpa Green Berry Bryant, some answers

We finally have some questions answered about my great-grandfather Green Berry Bryant, he was born to Francis Bryant and Catherine Thorton, he was born in Sanderson, Florida January 7, or June 7, 1870, the death certificate that I recieved from the State of Florida has some terrible handwritting on it, He died of Natural causes, and exposure, which leads to more questions about that, some research will need to be done at one of the local libraries to research the local papers around the time of death.

According to the 1920 Florida census, Frances Elizabeth (Hickox)Bryant claims herself as a widow, not true, separated, since the death certificate states that he died in 1925 and was married on the certificate.

I want to thank Roger Woods for finding his stone at the South Prong Cemetery in Florida and taking a photo for find a grave. I feel that with the help of family whom I haven't met yet we as a group have been able to answer some questions about this man, and have new questions that we'll have to find the answers to.

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