My maternal grandfather Walter Raymond Warden was born in Michigan, September 21.1909. He had 3 younger sisters, Anna, Ila, and Arlene. Grandpa married Alice Gerturde Dunsmore on February 14.1934.
Grandpa held several jobs, he had a dairy farm, and did farming for the government, he also was a teacher, and the last job that he had was Captain of the Midlands Ferry Boat that would cross from Michigan to Wisconsin and back, grandma said she always knew when to start dinner, he would blow the ships horn to let her know that he was home. Grandpa and Grandma had 5 children, the oldest is my mom, they had 3 girls and 2 boys. I remember a visit to the farm when I was very young, the windmill in the back yard, green beans growing in one field behind the barn, and corn growing in another field. I remember taking a walk down to the pond, and the cattails that were growing.
The next time that I visited the farm, my grandpa was meeting my husband and children for the first time, he made me laugh, because he asked my husband what his intentions were for me, at least he asked. My grandparents were rock collectors, and I think that's why they started going down to Arizona during the winter, they would stay in Apache Junction or Queen Creek while they were there. (Snowbirds). My grandpa had made a neck lariet from agate in the shape of the state of Michigan, he always wore it, so when he passed away October 9.1987, my grandmother asked me what I wanted of his, I said just the lariet, which I cherish to this day. My family has gone back one more time, when my grandmother turned 90.
We had 5 first born females there for her party, Alice Gerturde Dunsmore, Carol Louise Warden, Tina Marie Harter, April Carol Cruz, Raven Sky Hatch. My grandmother was going through the final stages of Alzhimers, she didn't recognize any of us, but when we handed her Ashlynn Rae Hatch(daughter of April).
who was a few months old, she transformed into a loving grandmother, just thrilled to hold her, sang to her, and cooed.
My grandmother passed away September 3.2002
My grandparents are buried at Steele Cemetery in Michigan.
That was a lovely memory- thaks for sharing it!